New technology partnership with ProDVX

20 September 2024

ProDVX is is transforming the world of digital signage with durable and innovative touchscreens and displays. In collaboration, we are elevating the formal meeting experience by introducing EasyConf DelegateUI for ProDVX touch panels and displays. This powerful technology partnership enables participants to log in effortlessly via NFC or pin code, make speaking requests, and cast votes seamlessly using the touch panel right in front of them. Meanwhile, the software keeps delegates informed in real-time through ProDVX electronic nameplates, displaying updated statuses. Read more about EasyConf DelegateUI here.

For those with management responsibilities, the touch panel offers robust functionality: managing microphones, overseeing electronic voting, controlling participant rights, and monitoring speech times—all from the same device. Meanwhile, the software keeps delegates informed in real-time through ProDVX electronic nameplates, displaying updated statuses effortlessly.

The software is now available for preview, with a full product launch coming later this year.